The Tutorials
Note: Please ensure that you have a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) compatible wallet, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or Binance Chain Wallet, set up and connected to your browser.
Step 1: Access PancakeSwap
Go to the PancakeSwap website:
Step 2: Connect your Wallet
Click on "Connect" in the top right corner of the website.
Select your preferred wallet provider and connect it to the PancakeSwap interface.
Step 3: Adjust Slippage Tolerance
Click on the gear icon (settings) in the top right corner of the PancakeSwap interface.
Set the slippage tolerance to a value of around 11-12%.
Step 4: Find NAILONG
In the PancakeSwap interface, click on the "Trade" tab in the top menu.
In the "Exchange" section, select "From" and choose BNB (Binance Coin) as the currency you want to swap from.
In the "To" section, enter the NAILONG contract address:
.NAILONG should appear as the token in the "To" section. Ensure that it matches the correct token details.
Step 5: Set the Amount
Enter the amount of BNB you want to swap for NAILONG in the "From" field.
The estimated amount of NAILONG you will receive will be displayed.
Step 6: Swap BNB for NAILONG
Click on the "Swap" button.
A confirmation screen will appear. Review the transaction details, including gas fees.
Click on "Confirm" to proceed with the swap.
Step 7: Confirm the Transaction
A wallet popup will appear, asking you to confirm the transaction.
Review the details once again, including gas fees.
Confirm the transaction on your wallet.
Step 8: Wait for the Transaction to Complete
After confirming the transaction, wait for the BSC network to process and confirm the swap.
You can track the progress of the transaction on the blockchain explorer.
Step 9: Verify NAILONG in Your Wallet
Once the transaction is confirmed, check your wallet's token list to ensure that NAILONG is now visible.
Add the NAILONG token to your wallet if it does not appear automatically.
Congratulations! You have successfully purchased NAILONG tokens on PancakeSwap. Make sure to double-check the token contract address (0x4E60a23aa539C03422b0F2Fcb6Af709695c18D39
) to ensure you're interacting with the correct token.
Last updated