About Vesting Lock

Vesting locks play an important role in ensuring a controlled release of tokens over a specified period. Let's explain the vesting lock concept using the following parameters for NAILONG:

TGE Percent: 25% Cycle: 5 days Cycle Release Percent: 25%

Token Generation Event (TGE) Percent:

  • The TGE Percent refers to the percentage of tokens that will be unlocked and made available at the Token Generation Event or the project's launch.

  • In this case, 25% of the total allocated tokens will be unlocked and available for use at the TGE.


  • The cycle refers to the duration of each vesting period. It represents the timeframe between releases of tokens during the vesting period.

  • In this example, the cycle is set to 5 days, meaning that every 5 days, a portion of the locked tokens will be released.

Cycle Release Percent:

  • The Cycle Release Percent signifies the percentage of tokens that will be released at the end of each cycle.

  • In this scenario, 25% of the locked tokens will be released at the end of each 5-day cycle.

Vesting Process:

  • At the TGE, 25% of the allocated tokens will be unlocked and made available for immediate use by the project or token holders.

  • After the TGE, the remaining 75% of the allocated tokens will be subject to the vesting lock.

  • Every 5 days, a new cycle will start, and 25% of the locked tokens will be released and made available for use.

  • This process will continue until the full vesting period is completed, ensuring a controlled and gradual release of tokens.

Transparency and Communication:

  • Transparency is crucial in vesting locks. The project should provide clear information about the vesting schedule, including the TGE Percent, cycle duration, and Cycle Release Percent.

  • Regular updates and communication with the community about the progress of the vesting lock will foster trust and confidence in the project.

Smart Contract Implementation:

  • Vesting locks can be implemented using a smart contract that governs the release of tokens according to the defined schedule.

  • The smart contract should be audited, verified, and deployed securely to ensure the integrity of the vesting process.

By implementing a vesting lock with a TGE Percent, cycle duration, and Cycle Release Percent, NAILONG ensures a controlled release of tokens, preventing any sudden influx of tokens into the market and promoting long-term stability for the project.

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